约翰·埃利亚施:环保先锋角逐IOC主席 引领“绿色奥运”Johan Eliasch: Environmental Pioneer Running for IOC President, Leading the “Green Olympics”


约翰·埃利亚施(Johan Eliasch),63岁,目前担任国际滑雪与单板滑雪联合会(国际雪联 FIS)主席,是唯一一位来自冬季运动管理层的IOC主席候选人。

“我始终坚持碳抵消量大于排放量。” 2005年,埃利亚施斥巨资购入40万英亩亚马逊雨林,致力于全球环保,引发轰动。他承诺,将推动“零碳奥运”,以巴黎奥运会减排54%为起点,加速奥运会低碳化、可持续化。



商界背景让他更具前瞻性。作为国际品牌HEAD前掌门,埃利亚施熟谙全球体育市场。“原本没打算参选。” 这位瑞典-英国籍商人坦言,IOC委员的劝说让他意识到,自己的环保、商业、体育管理经验正是奥运所需。

奥运应拓展新天地。 他主张冬奥落地南美,夏奥进入中东或非洲,真正实现全球普及,让奥运触及更广阔的世界。


(May Zhao) Johan Eliasch, 63, is currently the President of the International Ski and Snowboard Federation (FIS) and the only IOC presidential candidate from a winter sports management background.

“I have always ensured that my carbon offset exceeds my emissions.” In 2005, Eliasch made headlines by investing heavily to purchase 400,000 acres of Amazon rainforest for environmental conservation. He pledges to promote a “zero-carbon Olympics”, using the 54% carbon reduction at the Paris Olympics as a starting point to accelerate the sustainability and decarbonization of the Games.

Since taking the helm at FIS, Eliasch has integrated green initiatives into winter sports, driving energy efficiency and sustainability in events to ensure the Winter Olympics can thrive despite climate change. He insists that the Olympics must contribute to global sustainability, not just serve as a sporting stage.

A multi-sport athlete, Eliasch has excelled in curling, golf, skiing, tennis, motor racing, and sailing. He deeply understands the unifying power of sports and advocates for the Olympics to return to its core mission of fostering unity rather than becoming entangled in geopolitical conflicts.

His business acumen sets him apart. As the former CEO of HEAD, a major international sports brand, Eliasch has a keen grasp of the global sports market. “I never planned to run.” The Swedish-British businessman admitted that encouragement from IOC members made him realize that his expertise in environmental policy, business leadership, and sports governance is exactly what the Olympics needs.

The Olympics should reach new frontiers. Eliasch advocates for hosting the Winter Olympics in South America and the Summer Olympics in the Middle East or Africa, truly globalizing the Games and expanding their impact worldwide.

If elected, Eliasch will become the first IOC president with a winter sports leadership background, steering the Olympic Movement toward a sustainable, green future. Upon assuming office, he will resign from all other positions to fully dedicate himself to the IOC.

