渡边守成现身乌克兰基辅 与记者战火中连线Watanabe Morinari Appears in War-Torn Kyiv: Live Dialogue with Journalists from the Heart of the Conflict




赵雪湄:全球体育格局正在发生变化,国际体育版图正被重塑。大国博弈也正在通过体育进行日益激烈的地缘政治竞争。如果你当选国际奥委会主席,将如何在这一权力角逐中保持 IOC 的公信力和独立性,并平衡各竞争国家的利益?

渡边守成:对我来说,创新能力是下任主席最重要的品质之一,因为世界每天都在变化。五大洲奥运会的构想可能看起来很疯狂,但我们必须思考——目前的奥运会模式源于 18 世纪,是否仍然适应现代社会?

十年前,谁能想到我们可以在智能手机上观看足球比赛?一切都在快速变化,而托马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)主席也深知这一点。因此,我们必须勇于创新,在保持奥林匹克精神的同时,确保 IOC 在复杂的国际环境中保持公正与独立。
















By May Zhao

As the election for the next President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) nears its decisive moment on March 20, the International Sports Press Association (AIPS), in collaboration with the IOC, organized global interviews with the seven candidates. I was honored to be among the participating journalists in this important exchange.

Watanabe Morinari, a descendant of a Hiroshima atomic bombing survivor, carries a profound understanding of war’s devastation. Distressed by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine—where more than 500 athletes and coaches have lost their lives—he made a swift decision to visit Kyiv in person. His presence there reflects his unwavering belief in the power of sport to promote peace. Watanabe has also announced plans to visit Russia, Israel, and Palestine, continuing his efforts to advocate for dialogue and reconciliation through sport.

In our conversation, I asked how he would safeguard the IOC’s credibility and independence amid intensifying geopolitical rivalries and growing competition among major powers. Watanabe stressed that innovation is essential for the future of the Olympic Movement. He believes that his proposal for an “Olympics Across Five Continents”—though seemingly radical—addresses the need to rethink a model designed centuries ago. As he put it, “Ten years ago, who could have imagined watching football matches on smartphones? Everything is evolving rapidly, and the IOC must be courageous enough to innovate while preserving its core values. Only then can we ensure fairness and independence in an increasingly complex world.”

Watanabe’s five-continent Olympic proposal, with a target date of 2040, seeks to reduce the burden on a single host country, enable 24-hour global broadcasting, and expand participation to share the Olympic spirit with more nations. He believes sport should transcend political conflict and act as a bridge between cultures. Supporting the IOC’s neutral participation policy for athletes from war-affected regions, he highlighted the International Gymnastics Federation’s creation of the “Gymnastics and Peace Taskforce,” which promotes friendship events in conflict zones.

Watanabe emphasizes channeling resources into sports development in emerging nations, focusing on infrastructure, athlete training, and post-retirement career support. He opposes awarding cash prizes to Olympic medalists, arguing that funds should instead be used to develop sports programs in underprivileged regions. He advocates for AI-assisted judging to enhance fairness and transparency and confirmed that AI systems will be implemented at the 2025 Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships to minimize human error.

Calling for democratic reform within the IOC, Watanabe supports the introduction of a bicameral system to bring more diverse perspectives into decision-making. He argues that advances in technology make such changes both practical and necessary. On gender equality, he calls for increasing female representation in sports governance, while decisions regarding transgender athletes’ participation must be grounded in rigorous scientific evidence and a cautious, balanced approach.

Watanabe maintains a zero-tolerance stance on doping, stressing the need to preserve the World Anti-Doping Agency’s neutrality and independence from financial or political pressures. He supports athletes’ rights to change national representation, affirming that sport belongs to all humanity and that personal choices must be respected. To improve fairness in judging and refereeing, he advocates for the wider application of AI technology, with full implementation planned for the 2025 World Championships.

Watanabe believes the IOC must remain strictly neutral while embracing innovation to navigate intensifying geopolitical competition. Upholding the Olympic spirit and preserving the IOC’s credibility, he argues, is essential for its long-term future. In gymnastics development, he encourages a gradual approach to achieving gender balance, respecting the cultural traditions of each discipline and avoiding forced reforms. Watanabe also welcomes media scrutiny as a valuable tool for continuous improvement and sees openness and transparency as critical to strengthening IOC governance.

As the IOC presidential election approaches, Watanabe Morinari’s bold vision for innovation and peace has captured global attention. Whether his ideas will lead the Olympic Movement into a new era of inclusivity, modernization, and reconciliation remains to be seen. The world is watching.

Photo credits: IOC / AIPS / LFL

