1945年10月24日《联合国》正式成立至今已整整78年。有一件非常遗憾的大事:《联合国》至今没有“国歌”或称之“会歌” 。78年来,《联合国》五大常任理事国及近二百个成员国也从未讨论及批准过哪首歌曲为《联合国》“国歌”及“会歌”。
并当即为《地球母亲之歌》写下147个字的“前言” :
应提倡对话、停止对抗、消灭战争、全球一家,确保人类在地球母亲怀抱中的平安生存!发展繁衍! ”
一、《地球母亲之歌》蘊含的“气一元论”、“道一元论”道出了:“地球孕育哺育了人类是人类的母亲!生活在地球母亲怀抱中的人类皆为同源共祖一母同胞的兄弟姐妹!” 这是中华民族古老传统哲学对当今人类的巨大贡献!
四、《地球母亲之歌》回答了“千古之谜”“千古之问”:“我是谁?我从哪里来?我往哪里去?” 这一“人类文明的终极思考” !
2015年10月在法国巴黎召开《第21届联合国气候变化大会》。法国《欧洲时报》举办“郝知本《地球母亲之歌》全球行、欧洲法国巴黎站朗诵、演唱、演讲会”,三个小时的演出引起强烈震撼!随之,法国40个华人社团在10月14日的法国《欧洲时报》上发表一封写给《联合国》时任祕书长潘基文及《联合国》大会的一封“公开信”,呼吁:“《地球母亲之歌》应成为《联合国国歌》或称《联合国会歌》” 。
《地球母亲之歌》现已翻译出12个国家的语言文字:中、英、法、俄、西班牙、阿拉伯、德、日、韩、马来、泰米尔、瑞典等 。目前,世界上有很多国家在推广传唱《地球母亲之歌》!
于此,本人向《联合国》举荐《地球母亲之歌》为《联合国会歌》!向2025年10月24日《联合国》80周年献礼!让《联合国》开启有《联合国会歌》的新的历史 !
新加坡《中华正气会》会长 郝知本
Appeal to the United Nations and the 8 billion siblings:
To recommend The Song of Mother Earth to become the anthem of United Nations!
Ever since its formal establishment on 24 October 1945, the United Nations has already had a history of 78 years. There is an important thing that is regretful that the United Nations has still not had an anthem. All these 78 years, the permanent five members of the United Nations Security Council and the nearly 200 member countries have also never discussed and approved any song to become the anthem of United Nations.
I composed The Song of Mother Earth (The Song of New Zhengqi) on 20 July 2011 at 5am.
And immediately I wrote 147 words as the “Preface”:
“The earth nurtures the human and is the mother of human.
Therefore, the human who live in the embrace of Mother Earth, no matter red, yellow, black or white in color, are siblings having the same ancestor.
All people in the world should not divide themselves among races, religions, countries or beliefs so as to work together to save the human’s Mother – the Earth!
We should promote dialogues, cease confrontations, eliminate war and globalize one world family to ensure human to exist and develop in peace in the embrace of mother earth.”
At the same time, I also wrote the four important values that The Song of Mother Earth has for the human society of today:
- The “Qi monism” and “Tao monism” included inside The Song of Mother Earth tell the fact that “the earth bred and nurtured the human and is the mother of human”! “The human living in the embrace of mother earth are all siblings”! These are the large contribution of the ancient Chinese traditional philosophy to the human of today.
- The Song of Mother Earth tells that air, water and food are the three main pillars of life. As the song goes: Love the forest! Love the water! Love the land!
The Song of Mother Earth tells the natural law of the universe is to “live together”! The lyrics of The Song of Mother Earth should become the “deed” that is followed by the whole world!
- The Song of Mother Earth is like a large flag and a large bell in the air space and universe to remind the human to protect the mother earth and to maintain the world peace!
- The Song of Mother Earth answered the mystery of the ages and the eternal questions of the ultimate thinking of human, i.e. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
In the October of 2015, the “21st United Nations Climate Change Conference” was having its opening ceremony in Paris, France. To welcome and to be in line with the opening of the conference, the Chinese community organizations and the Europe Times of France co-organized large-scale charity activities called “Global Charity Walk by Hao Zhiben’s The Song of Mother Earth, in Paris, France, Europe, together with recitation, singing and speech.” The 3-hour show caused a strong impact. Later, on the 14th of October, 40 Chinese communities in France jointly signed an open letter to be presented to Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of United Nations and the United Nations Climate Change Conference at that time. This letter appealed to have The Song of Mother Earth to become the anthem of the United Nations.
The Song of Mother Earth has now been translated into 12 languages, namely Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Saudi Arabia, German, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa Malaysia, Tamil and Swedish. At present, there are many countries in the world are promoting The Song of Mother Earth!
Herein, I strongly recommend The Song of Mother Earth to the United Nations to become its anthem! It will be a gift I will present to the United Nations for its 80th Anniversaries on 24 October 2025! Let the United Nations to open up a new history to have an anthem!
8 billion siblings around the world unite together!
Sing loudly The Song of Mother Earth!
Protect the mother earth!
Maintain world peace!
Best regards,
Hao Zhiben
Singapore Chinese Zhengqi Society
(10 July 2023)