(新加坡)中华正气会 会长 郝知本
千古之谜 ?! 千古之问 ?!
人类在地球上消失之后,地球将何去何从 ?!
- 为《正气歌》谱曲。2001年8月我将其谱曲写成了歌,填补了700多年来《正气歌》有诗无曲、整首诗篇不能歌唱的空白。2003年“中国江西文天祥纪念馆”在馆內正殿前,矗立起一座巨型《正气歌》音乐碑,今已成为中国青少年爱国主义教育基地。
二、首度发掘出《正气歌》中蕴涵“气一元论”的哲学观。即“气”是宇宙的本原,是孕育演化为万物的本体。这也是中华民族伟大圣哲老子在其巨著《道德经》中阐述的“道生一、一生二、二生三、三生万物”的“道一元论”的“道”;亦是上个世纪初,领导中国民众推翻帝制创建民主共和的孙中山先生在其专著《建国方略》中写道的:“元始之时,太极动而生电子,电子凝而成元素,元素合而成物质,物质聚而成地球。”;亦是西方古希腊哲学家和近代大思想家大哲学家康德、黑格尔提出宇宙的初始状态为“混沌”(“浑沦”);以及100多年前恩格斯在其著作《“自然辩证法”论文、导言》中写道的“旋转的炽热的气团”。 “气”、“道” 、“混沌”(浑沦)、“旋转的炽热的气团” 孕育了宇宙;孕育出星系;孕育出地球;地球上特有的物质“空气”和“水”经过亿万年的演化,孕育出生命、单细胞生命、多细胞生命直至孕育出具有思维能力的人。
此前,多年来人类社会一直流传着“地球村”的提法。此缘于上个世纪六十年代的1967年,加拿大传媒学者M.麦可卢汉在他撰写的“理解媒介——人的延伸”一书中, 首次使用“世界村”(global village)。当时广播、电视迅猛发展;航空航天器速度越来越快;电脑、互联网出现;人与人之间的时空距离骤然间缩小,全世界好象缩小成一个小小的村庄,于是M.麦克卢汉提出了“世界村”。这一提法不径而走,以至演变成后来口口相传的 “地球村”,并被众多人们及媒体使用着、传播着。
请不要再宣扬再传播“人类生活在《地球村》” !这个提法与认知是不尊、不敬、不孝的 !是十分不当的 !
把地球看成是“人类居住的村庄”与认知“地球是孕育哺育人类的母亲”,这是两种完全不同的哲学观 !
人类自从在地球上诞生,历经漫长的蒙昧时期、半蒙昧时期至今日文明社会。人类社会古往今来所出现的思想家、哲学家、社会学家、政治家,他们思考、研究、追求、实现的均是“人类及人类社会应如何合理的生存”。他们由于受其所处时代及科学昌明程度的局限,都未能思考、研究“人类与其赖以生存的地球之间的关系”以及“地球亦是一个有生命极限的生命体,人类只有珍惜维护地球的生命方能维系人类自身的生命及繁衍”。 当今人类社会已进入高速发展的“信息社会”;“互联网”覆盖全球 ;地球变得越来越小;人与人之间距离越来越近 ;国与国的界线越来越模糊甚至日渐溶合(由27国结成的“欧盟”就是例证);“世界经济一体化”高速发展;世界各国经济相互交织、相互融合、你中有我、我中有你;世界与人类已进入了一个崭新的时代。
在人类大时代演变过程中应运而生的郝知本《本原性哲学思考》《本原哲学》提出的“人类与地球母亲”这一新的“本原性哲学命题、社会命题”是亟须今日生活在地球母亲怀抱中的人类认真思考、努力研究、落实践行的,以指引当今人类社会的前行、生存、发展与繁衍 !
“地球孕育、哺育了人类,是人类的母亲”!可是人类是如何对待“地球母亲”的呢 ?今日的“地球母亲”现状如何了呢 ?
若人类依然不知幡然醒悟,不能团结起来,从每一个国家、每一位地球公民自身做起,拯救地球母亲!维护世界和平!无须多时,不论大国小国、富国穷国、王公权贵、富人穷人,谁也不能跳出界外独善其身,将会一起灭亡!一起同归于尽 !
天地有正气 杂然赋流形 下则为河岳 上则为日星
与人曰浩然 沛乎塞苍冥 皇路当清夷 含和吐明庭
时穷节乃现 一一垂丹青啊 !
蓝蓝的地球 人类的母亲 七十亿同胞 齐心团结紧
爱护森林 爱护水源 爱护矿藏 爱护土地
全球兄弟姐妹 齐心团结紧 保护地球母亲 维护世界和平!
全球同胞应不分种族、不分宗教、不分国家、不分信仰 ,齐心合力拯救人类的母亲地球 !
应提倡对话、停止对抗、消灭战争、全球一家 ,确保人类在地球母亲怀抱中的平安生存 !发展繁衍 !”
三大生命之柱。歌曲唱道:爱护森林!爱护水源!爱护土地!《地球母亲之歌》道出了宇宙的自然法则乃“共生”!《地球母亲之歌》的歌词应成为全球人类共同遵循共同恪守的“信约” !
- 《地球母亲之歌》回答了“千古之谜”、千古之问”:“我是谁?我从哪里来?我往哪里去?”这一“人类的终极思考”!
- 《地球母亲之歌》亦启示人类须重新认识宇宙中的地球!重新认识大自然!重新认识地球上的一切!重新认识作为地球上的一个“物种”的人类自己 !!
- 2015年11月30日“第21届联合国气候变化大会”在法国巴黎开幕,全球近200个国家参会,147个国家的元首出席。为迎接此次大会的隆重召开,法国华界与法国《欧洲时报》联合举办“郝知本《地球母亲之歌》全球行、欧洲法国巴黎站、朗诵演唱演讲会”大型公益活动,引发强烈震撼!
- 12月14日法国40家华人社团在当天的《欧洲时报》上,联合署名发表写给联合国时任秘书长潘基文及联合国气候大会的一封公开信,呼吁《地球母亲之歌》应成为《联合国国歌》。
- 《地球母亲之歌》现已翻译成包括中文在内的中、英、法、俄、西班牙、阿拉伯、德、日、韩、马来、淡米尔、瑞典等12种语言文字。期盼这首歌能一传十、十传百、用媒体、用网络传播开去,凝聚全球70亿同胞的心扉!
- 《地球母亲之歌》的主题:“全球70亿同胞团结起来 !保护地球母亲 ! 维护世界和平 !”。
为了我们人类及我们的子孙后代能夠有安全干净的空气呼吸!有安全干净的水源飲用!有安全干净的食物食用 !为了我们人类及我们的子孙后代能夠生活在沒有战争的和平环境里!为了我们人类共同的母亲——地球能夠迅速康复!健康硕壮!继续哺育养育我们人类 !
全球70亿同胞团结起来 !
保护地球母亲 !
维护世界和平 !

The Declaration of the Mother Earth
Hao Zhiben (Singapore)
The Declaration of the Mother Earth
Hao Zhiben (Singapore)
Mysteries of the ages?! Eternal questions?!
- The ultimate thinking of human
Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
The Original Philosophy by Hao Zhiben has answered the above questions:
Who am I?
The earth has bred and nurtured human and is the mother of human. Human are one of the species in the embrace of the earth.
Where did I come from?
I came from the mother earth.
Where am I going?
Human beings as a species in the embrace of mother earth, are having their own “life cycle” of birth, old age, sickness and death. When human have gone through this “life cycle”, the human species will disappear naturally on the earth.
When the human disappear on the earth, where will the earth go?!
The earth that has been trampled and destroyed until covered in wounds will self-heal by itself. After billions of years of injury, the earth will breed and nurture the new “species”. The new “species” will also have its “life cycle” of birth, old age, sickness and death. The infinite loop will be over and over again just like this.
The earth is also a life form that has life limit. After the exhaustion of the energy stored inside its body, the earth will vanish in the universe……
From 21 years ago in the last year of the end of the last century, 1999, I started to promote The Song of Zhengqi at home and abroad. The Song of Zhengqi was a long poem with 60 verses and 300 words written by a national hero of China called Wen Tianxiang who was caught into the jail in the Song Dynasty in some 700 years ago. I call the song a classic! A great classic!
In the promotion of The Song of Zhengqi, I have done two jobs:
First, compose for the poem. In the August of 2001, I composed for the poem, so as to fill in the gap that the poem was one that without melody and could not be sung. In 2003, the “China Jiangxi Wen Tianxiang Memorial” was having a large music monument of The Song of Zhengqi standing up in front of the main hall. It has become the education base of the patriotism of teens of today.
Second, be the first to find that The Song of Zhengqi implicated the philosophy of “Qi Monism”. That is to say, “Qi” is the origin of the universe and is also the body breeding everything. Qi is also the similar theory of Tao by Laozi, the Chinese great philosopher. I further quoted the theories of universe and the earth by Mr. Sun Yat Sen; the philosophy of chaos by Immanuel Kant and G. W. F. Hegel, the western philosophers and “the spinning and glowing air mass” in the “Preface of Natural Dialectics” by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, to point out that “Qi”, “Tao”, ”Chaos” and “the Spinning and Glowing Air Mass” conceived the universe, the galaxy and the earth; and the “air” and “water” that have undergone evolution of billions of years had conceived life, single cell life, multicellular life and human with thinking ability.
Based on the above, for the first time of its kinds, I proposed to the human society my Original Philosophical Thinking, also called the Primitive Philosophy: “The earth bred and nurtured the human and is the mother of the mankind”. “The human living in the embrace of the mother earth are all siblings from the same origin of the same mother!”
Before this, the human society kept spreading the saying of “Global Village”. This was due to the mass communication scholar, Marshall McLuhan from Canada who had applied for the first time the wording of “global village” in a book written by him called “Understanding Medium – the Extension of Human” in 1967. At that time, broadcasting and television have developed swiftly; the speed of aircrafts have become faster and faster; the computer and internet have appeared; the distance between human beings have shrunk suddenly; the whole world seemed to have shrunk to a small village, therefore McLuhan put forward the saying of “global village”. This saying had spread like wildfire until it was applied by many people and media.
In the November of 2010, I was entrusted by the Chinese Environmental Protection Union (the President was Mr Song Jian, the incumbent state councilor) to take part in the United Nations Climate Convention in Mexico. Titled with “Let’s sing together The Song of Zhengqi; let’s save the mother of human – the Earth!”, I presented an appeal to the convention, to appeal to Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary General of United Nations, to appeal to the leaders of nations, and also the world media for attention. They were appealed for not to propagate, and not to disseminate anymore, that “Human live in the global village.” This kind of saying was not honorable, not respectful, not filial and not suitable at all. Human do not live in the global village. Human live in the embrace of mother earth. The earth and human are not having the relationship of residence. The earth and human are having the relationship of mother and son. To treat the earth as a village of residence and to understand that the earth nurtures the human and is the Mother of human are totally two different philosophies!
Ever since human were born on the earth, ignorance period and half ignorance period were gone through until the civilized society of today. The thinkers, philosophers, sociologists and political scientists that have appeared in the human society have been thinking, researching, pursuing and realizing “how human and human society should survive reasonably”. Owing to the fact that they had been limited by the time they lived and the extent of technology prosperity, they had not been able to think and research “the relationship between human and the earth that they rely their lives on” and “the earth is also a life body that has life limit, the human will only treasure and protect the life of earth in order to maintain the lives and multiplication of human themselves.”
The human society today has entered the fast developed “information society”: “Internet” covers the whole world; the earth has become smaller and smaller; the distance between human has become shorter and shorter; the borders between countries have become more and more vague even until gradually dissolving ( The “European Union” formed by 27 countries is a good example); the “world economic integration” developed swiftly; the economy of the different countries in the world merged together; the world and human have entered a brand new era.
The “Primitive philosophy” from the “Original philosophical thinking” by Hao Zhiben that has come into being in the evolution process of human big times has put forward a new “Original philosophical proposition and social proposition” of “Human and the mother earth”. These propositions urgently need to have serious thinking, hard study and practice by human of today who live in the embrace of mother earth in order to guide the progress, survival, development and multiplication of the human society of today!
“The earth breeds and nurtures the human and is the mother of human”! However, how do human treat the “mother earth”? How is the current situation of the “mother earth”?
Human is one of the species on the earth. It has, or rather in its gene, lust, desire, possessive desire and desire for power. There are endless pursuit of material lives; the crazy ingenuity of earth resources; the fight and killing among human in order to conquer, control and rule the same species.
The earth today has been trampled by the human until air polluted, water contaminated, land polluted, resources exhausted, earth warming, glaciers dissolving! All kinds of viruses and plagues have been crazily spreading! The Covid-19 that is rampant recently has covered the whole world, resulting in endless lives being swallowed…… Riddled with holes and bruises, the dying earth has been whining in pain!
Human from the whole world are facing the above kind of dangerous situations, but they are still raging war on the body of mother earth unscrupulously without cease! The terrorism runs wildly all around the world to kill the innocent lives! The more horrible fact is human have by themselves created the “nuclear weapon” that can ruin themselves that this problem keeps hanging around on the heads of human for more than 70 years till now.
If human still do not wake up, do not unite to start from every country and every world citizen to save the mother earth and to maintain the world peace, before long, no matter a country that is big or small, rich or poor, no matter the powerful or the common people, all will perish together one day!
For the sake of the above, I composed and wrote the lyrics for “The Song of Mother Earth” on the 20th of July, 2011 at 5 am:
Righteousness abound
Contains many things
Below are terrains
Up and sun and stars
Universally enriched
At prosperity
Royalty expressed
At adversity
Orals in annals
The blue earth
Human mother
7 billion brothers
United closely
Love the forests
Love the water
Love the mines
Love the land
Global brothers sisters
United closely
Protect mother earth
Protect world peace (Translated by Kris Lian)
In the front part of the song, I wrote that the earth nurtures the human and is the mother of human.
Therefore, the human who live in the embrace of Mother Earth, no matter red, yellow, black or white in color, are siblings having the same ancestor.
All people in the world should not divide themselves among races, religions, countries or beliefs so as to work together to save the human’s Mother – the Earth!
We should promote dialogues, cease confrontations, eliminate war and globalize one world family to ensure human to exist and develop in peace in the embrace of mother earth.”
At the same time, I also wrote the four important values that The Song of Mother Earth has for the human society of today:
- The “Qi monism” and “Tao monism” included inside The Song of Mother Earth tell the fact that “the earth bred and nurtured the human and is the mother of human”! “The human living in the embrace of mother earth are all siblings”! These are the large contribution of the ancient Chinese traditional philosophy to the human of today.
- The Song of Mother Earth tells that air, water and food are the three main pillars of life. As the song goes: Love the forest! Love the water! Love the land!
The Song of Mother Earth tells the natural law of the universe is to “live together”! The lyrics of The Song of Mother Earth should become the “deed” that is followed by the whole world!
- The Song of Mother Earth is like a large flag and a large bell in the air space and universe to remind the human to protect the mother earth and to maintain the world peace!
- The Song of Mother Earth answered the mystery of the ages and the eternal questions of the ultimate thinking of human, i.e. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?
The Song of the Mother Earth also enlightens the human to understand the earth in the universe! To re-recognize nature! To re-recognize everything on the earth! To re-recognize the human themselves as merely a species on earth!!
On the 30th November of 2015, the “21st United Nations Climate Change Conference” was having its opening ceremony in Paris, France. To welcome and to be in line with the opening of the conference, the Chinese community organizations and the Europe Times of France co-organized large-scale charity activities called “Global Charity Walk by Hao Zhiben’s The Song of Mother Earth, in Paris, France, Europe, together with recitation, singing and speech.” Later, on the 14th of December, 40 Chinese communities in France jointly signed an open letter to be presented to Mr. Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of United Nations and the United Nations Climate Change Conference. This letter appealed to have The Song of Mother Earth to become the anthem of the United Nations.
The Song of Mother Earth has now been translated into 12 languages, namely Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Saudi Arabia, German, Japanese, Korean, Bahasa Malaysia, Tamil and Swedish. Hopefully this song could be spread vastly by media and internet and unite the hearts of 7 billion siblings on the earth!
The theme of The Song of Mother Earth: The 7 billion population on earth should unite together to protect the mother earth and to maintain the peace of the world!
This song appeals to the whole world: All countries and all people in the world must follow the highest but also the most basic universal law of “Protecting the mother earth! Maintaining the world peace!” when they are doing constructions of politics, economics, technologies, people’s livelihoods, cultures and militaries.
In order for human and our offspring to have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and safe food to eat; in order for the human and our offspring to be able to live in a peaceful environment without war; in order for the Earth, the same mother of human to be able to continue to nurture the human healthily and strongly, the 7 billion population on earth should unite together to protect the Mother Earth and to maintain the peace of world!
Hao Zhiben (Singapore)
Chinese Zhengqi Society
Oct, 2020
Translated by Pang Pek Yee
Senior lecturer, Southern University College, Malaysia.